Talks and presentations
See a map of all the places I've given a talk!
- Panelist: Bioinformatics and Biostatistics Panel Discussion, Association for Computing Machinery at The University of Texas at Tyler, October 2024 .
- Talk: Modeling in-host Pathogen Dynamics, Department of Mathematics Colloquium at The University of Texas at Tyler, October 2024 .
- Talk: Surviving the Zombie Apocalyse with Math, Department of Mathematics, Undergraduate Seminar at The University of Texas at Tyler, October 2024.
- Talk (Virtual): Modeling the Energy Requirements of an Acute Immune Response during Sepsis. Laboratory for Systems Medicine, University of Florida, January 2024 .
- Talk: "Modeling the Dynamics of Alveolar Macrophages and Interferon Gamma During Influenza Infection". SIAM conference on applications of dynamical systems (DS23), Portland OR, May 2023.
- Poster presentation: "Sequential interactions between RSV and pneumococcus in the nasopharynx of Zambian infants and mothers". ReSViNET Conference, Lisbon Portugal, Feb 2023.
- Talk (Virtual): "Modeling the Energy Consumption During An Acute Inflammatory Response and Sepsis". SIAM conference on the life sciences (LS22), July 2022.
- Talk (Virtual): "A Data-driven Mathematical Study of the Role of Energy in Sepsis". Society for Mathematical Biology (SMB21) , June 2021.
- Talk (Virtual): "A Data-driven Mathematical Study of the Role of Energy in Sepsis". SIAM conference on the life sciences (DS21), May 2021.
- Talk (Virtual): "Modelos Matemáticos del Sistema Immune Agudo" at the Colloquium in the Department of Mathematics, Universidad de Costa Rica, San José, Costa Rica, October 2020.
- Talk (Virtual): "Mathematical Modeling of Energy Consumption in the Acute Inflammatory Response in Sepsis" at the Colloquium in the Department of Mathemtatics, Universidad Nacional, Heredia, Costa Rica, April 2020.
- Talk: "Mathematical Modeling of Energy Consumption in the Acute Inflammatory Response in Sepsis" at the Colloquium in the Department of Mathemtatics at University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh PA, March 2020.
- Talk: "A Data-driven Mathematical Study of the Role of Energy in Sepsis" at the Joint Mathematics Meeting (JMM), Denver CO, January 2020.
- Talk: "Three formulas that can save your life: Wallis, Stirling and Darboux... OK fine, maybe they are just good to know!" at the Undergraduate Math Seminar at University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh PA, October 2020.
- Poster presentation: "A Data-driven Mathematical Study of the Role of Energy in Sepsis" at the workshop :Summit on the Rules of Life at The Mathematical Biosciences Institute (MBI), Columbus OH, June 2019.
- Talk: "Mathematical Modeling of Energy Consumption in the Acute Inflammatory Response" at the Biology and Medicine Through Mathematics Conference (BAMM), Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond VA, May 2019.
- Talk: "Mathematical Modeling of Energy Consumption in the Acute Inflammatory Response" at the AMS Microconference on Parameter Estimation at the Marriot City Center, Minneapolis MN, August 2018.
- Talk: "Mathematical Modeling of Energy Consumption in the Acute Inflammatory Response". SIAM conference on the life sciences (LS18) at the Radisson Blu Minneapolis, Minneapolis MN, August 2018.
- Poster presentation: "Mathematical Modeling of Energy Consumption in the Acute Inflammatory Response". at the workshop : Research training group in mathematical biology "Parameter Estimation for Mechanistic Biological Models". NC State University, Raleigh NC, July 2018.
- Poster presentation: "Mathematical Modeling of Energy Consumption in the Acute Inflammatory Response" at the workshop :Host-pathogens dynamics at The Mathematical Biosciences Institute (MBI),Columbus OH, February 2018.
- Poster presentation: "Mathematical Modeling of Energy Consumption in the Acute Inflammatory Response" at the SIAM Conference on the Life Sciences 2016, Boston, MA July 2016.
- Talk: "Sensitivity Analysis and optimal Control Treatment of Hepatitis C Virus Dynamics" at the Appalachian Student Research Forum 2014. East Tennessee State University, April 2014., Johnson City, TN.
- Poster presentation: "Proyecto 6x4 UEALC"at the Week of Methods to Reduce Dimension in Data Analysis at Centro de Investigaciones Matematicas , CIMAT, Guanajuato, Mexico May 2010.